Ezekiel 37:9 "Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live."
As a veteran of high blood pressure I'm always seeking a cure or how to keep mine low. I read an article the other day that said to sit in your recliner, lean back, and lay your right hand on your stomach. Then the author said something phenomenal-"Just breathe." He said to practice this exercise and do it at least three times a day for about ten minutes. Not only will it calm you down, but by just breathing you can regulate your blood pressure.
Simple isn't it-just breathe. How many times could you have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you just stopped to take a breathe? How many conversations that got you in hot water could have been avoided? How many problems that you created for yourself would never existed if you had learned just to breathe? It may sound simple and it is, but without breath there is no life and life is only fulfilled if you take time to breathe.
God showed Ezekiel the valley of dry bones and commanded him to speak to them. When he did so he saw the formation of muscle and sinew cover those bones, but there was no sign of life. Life came only when he prophesied to the wind and spoke breath into those reformed bodies. The conclusion was easy-"that they may live."
Just breathe. Before you find fault, before you make a rash decision, before you speak condemning words, just breathe. Before you fly off the handle, get in an argument, or let your emotions get out off control, just breathe. Before you allow discouragement, despair, or frustration get the best off you, just breathe. That breath you take may be the difference between your happiness or sorrow.
Maybe it's time for you to prophecy to the wind of the Spirit and let God put new life into you. Be patient and wait upon the Lord. I've wished many a time in my life that I would have just breathed. I have made up my mind to learn this technique and just breathe. If we all learned to do this the world would be a much happier place and so would we.
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