Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Hard stuff is manageable

Our desire for positive change is largely proportionate to the length of time we need to go from thinking something is hard, to finding how easy it is to do if we put our whole heart in it.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t bumps in the road, but the sooner we go from “This is impossible.” to “I got this.” the more open we will be to trying new things, even the scary things that men say are impossible.
-The more thinking you do, the more time you have to identify all the reasons not to move forward. You can think your way out of anything if you take enough time. Stop wavering and make a decision. When you jump in with confidence, the hard stuff feels more manageable. When you exercise your faith and works the job can get done.

-You don’t have to know everything to get started. Planning and research have its place, but so does some good old-fashioned winging it. When you stop being afraid of making mistakes, everything is easier. Sometimes faith and prayer are all you can stand on.

-There is someone out there who can help you start the thing you think is hard. Connect with Him. Ask Him for help. He has helped others, and He will appreciate an opportunity to assist you as well.

-Your new idea or project does not live or die based on the final result. Your efforts can’t be boiled down to one number, one grade or one check mark. Loosen your grip and expectations so things have a chance to unfold. You don’t know what you don’t know until you get started.

-Perfectionism and comparison can make the hard part of your new beginning even harder. If you want to feel ease sooner, then let go of your need to have everything just right and forget about how a similar journey was for someone else. You are not them. You are you and who you are and what you do, have, or desire cannot be compared.

Some of the hard work is really hard, but some of it is only how you think about it. You can’t force it or will it to be easier. Just get started and you’ll discover that everything is hard until it isn’t. You’ll also find that the time from hard to easy isn’t nearly as painful or challenging as you imagined.

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