Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Difficult People

As a pastor I've learned from time to time you deal with hostile people. It's my personal opinion that because of the climate of today many people lash out at the pastor because that's the only place they feel in control. The threat of them leaving with their tithes ( if they're faithful) or stirring up problems by writing letters or calling others to attack you is often enough to get their way. BUT it isn't God's way nor is it the Bible way, and sometimes you just have to be willing to take the heat to stand in the kitchen. I have had people that I have trusted. served, and loved turn on me on a dime when things just didn't go like they pleased. It's amazing how the people you think will never let go are often the first to strike when a problem arises.

Whenever you’re dealing with a difficult or hostile person, remember God wants you to take a stand.  This is your life.  You may not be able to control all the things people do to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.  You can decide not to let their actions and opinions invade your heart and mind.  And above all, you can decide whom to walk beside into tomorrow, and whom to leave behind today. It’s time to…

Stop letting people drag you into needless arguments. Never waste your time trying to explain yourself to people who have proven that they are committed to misunderstanding you.  And don’t define your intelligence or self-worth by the number of arguments you have won, but by the number of times you have said, “This needless nonsense is not worth my time!”

Stop letting people drown you with their negativity. Positivity is a choice.  Choose wisely.  Be smart enough to walk away from the negativity around you because it is never worth your while, ever.

Stop letting people make you feel ashamed of your scars. Scars remind us that our past is real, and that we have grown beyond it.  Every scar has a story.  Don’t be afraid to tell it and own it.

Stop listening to those who berate you for your honest mistakes. To grow strong and wise, you must have the courage to make mistakes.  Allow yourself to be a beginner.  No one starts off being excellent.

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