Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Some People Do

Psalm 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well"

Some people waste lives obsessing on that thing they cannot do, wishing they were more competent. Other measure the value of their abilities against those of others, wishing they could contribute in a bigger and better way; but everyone is not called to great things, just the best that they can do.

Did you know...

-That Joan of Arc was only seventeen when she was riding at the head of the army that liberated France from the English?

-That church reformer John Calvin was twenty-six when he published his "Institutes"?

-That the poet John Keats died when he was twenty-six?

-That Shelley was thirty when he was drowned, but not before he left English literature his classic "Odes"?

-That Sir Isaac Newton had largely discovered the working of the law of gravitation when he was twenty-three?

That Henry Clay, the "great compromiser," was sent to the United States Senate at twenty-nine and was Speaker of the House of Representatives at thirty-four?

-That Raphael painted his most important pictures between twenty-five and thirty?

-That Mozart only lived to be thirty-five years old?

 When I was a young man I wanted to make things happen. After a few years I realized I would have to content myself with watching most things happen. Not surprisingly these days I usually have no idea what is happening until it is over.

Of course, most of us will never paint a masterpiece, write a classic or discover an important scientific principle. But why should we? We're each cut from a unique pattern.

Dick Van Dyke once told the story of a woman taking her nephew to her Catholic church. She whispered to him as they approached the pew: "Can you genuflect?"

"No," he said, "but I can somersault!"

You and I may never be a Mozart, a Raphael or a John Keats. But there are things that we do to bring beauty or joy or happiness to our world. Find them, do them, celebrate them, and rejoice in them. I can hardly think of a better way to live.

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