Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Another one bites the dust

Sadly, one by one reports are coming in all over the world of the failures and suicides of mega-church pastors with multiple staffs and huge facilities and budgets. Apparently the struggles of being the face of those ministries and the strain of keeping them going are getting to these men of God. Some of the greatest scandals in the religious sector lately have not come from Washington, but from Average town USA where these situations occur.

The appeal of these "community churches" is beginning to wane faster than they grew and there must be a reason why. I can say as a pastor I have struggled with an average size church most of my ministry. I have turned down promotions in the past that would have put me in choice places, but I didn't feel God was directing me in that direction at that time. I'm just simply saying I have served as a staff pastor in 3 very large churches before the mega-church name was born, so I do have some experience with ministering to over a 1,000 people on a regular basis in church services.

Some of the things that I well remember that affect large, medium, and small churches.
-Assilmilating the new people into the congrgation. Hard to do when some folks don't understand the 11th hour concept of Jesus or His message of whosoever will.

-Dealing with financial matters. Of course according to some members every pastor makes to much. My reply is-oh yeh? My father gave 38 years to full-time ministry and my mom's pension from ministry is less than $175. Couple that with a small social security check and my mom's rich. Hey, I know some get too much, but they do that in life as well. My concern is building facilities they can't afford, over spending on non-profitable ministries that aren't really ministries, and then coming up with unbiblical schemes to get more money. If you like that stuff, I've got some SC mud I have personally prayed over that if you rub on your face will take away your wrinkles. Top that wiil ya! ( just kidding)

-Not being able to connect with congregation. Most mega-church pastors don't visit the sick, preach funerals, weddings, make personal calls, or have much contact at all with their congregation. They have an inner circle and that's it. I believe sometimes these gentlemen feel lost because they really don't have anything much tdo with their people but preach and be the face for their ministry.

-They feel accountable to no one. Everybody needs accountability, but some of these pastors feel they are above it. Sadly, many if them are falling into greater sins than they have ever condemned from their pulpits.

Believe me when I say ALL ministers are under attack, but especially the mega-church guys. Many are falling everyday and somehow this trend must stop. Let us pray that God will someway reach out to our brethren in need and minister to them. Their churches may be 10 times larger than ours, but so are their problems.

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