Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Life Is Choices

What is life?
-It is more than just existing.
-It is more than just breathing.
-It is more than just slowly counting your birthdays while your body gets older and weaker. 
-It isn't some frantic race towards some distant goal.

Life is:
-a leisurely walk you take each day seeing all the wonder and beauty around you and some tightrope balancing act where you must be perfect or lose everything.

-Life is a joyful stroll down some old railroad tracks where if you fall off you just smile, laugh and jump right back on and not some worrisome counting of every penny you make.

-Life is smelling flowers, smiling at sunrises, playing with laughing children, and collecting priceless memories and not just what happens to you.

Life is rather the choices that you make all through the day and all through your life. It is the many choices that bring you the joy you seek. It is the those choices that bring you the love you need. It is those choices that bring you the oneness with God you desire. It is those choices that allow you to smile and forgive instead of stewing in your anger when someone hurts you. It is those choices that allow you to laugh and love instead of being filled with despair when things go wrong. It is those choices that allow you to give joy and goodness to others instead of always trying to get things from them. 

All of life comes down to the choices we make each day. Let's use them to choose a lifetime of love, joy, peace, happiness, goodness, delight, and oneness with God for ourselves. Let's use them to bless the world, help others, and bring truth, joy, love, and light to everyone we meet.

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