Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

On A Train Bound For Nowhere

Kenny Rogers' greatest hit was called, 'The Gambler". It was about a man who was having a hard time with life on a "train bound for nowhere". It was his encounter with a gambler that changed his perception of life when he heard the advice of the grizzled gambler.

Do you ever feel like a nobody riding on a train going nowhere no where?  I mean, down deep inside when it’s quiet and everybody else is in bed or when you’re driving and you don’t have to pay too much attention, do you start thinking about where your life is headed or what you’ve done or haven’t done?  At those times do you feel like a nobody going nowhere?  Has the thought ever crossed your mind “If I was gone a week later no one would even notice. Maybe a few family members, but no one would really notice.”
So many feel that their lives are like a treadmill. There’s a lot of activity, but they’re not getting anywhere. You’re working hard, but it doesn’t amount to much?  If so you are not alone!  Lot’s of people feel like that, but their perception is not necessarily true because everyone is special to God.

I have felt at times that God had forgotten my name, my dreams were dying, and I was a nobody going nowhere.  How about you? Do you ever struggle with such feelings? You don’t feel significant, needed, or recognized for what you contribute? Maybe you feel your spouse, your boss, or some other significant person in your life doesn’t appreciate you or what you do. 

Looking back on your past you think, “If I don’t get with it this is all I’m going to have for the rest of my life.”  Or perhaps you are saying, “What does it matter anyway?  No one gives a rip.”  Whoever you are, at whatever stage of life, I am here to tell you that you do matter. Someone does care because you are somebody destined to go somewhere because God says so.

Your perception of yourself makes all the difference in the world and determines in large measure the way your life will go. What you believe about yourself, whether it’s true or not, will influence your relationship with God and how you face life’s challenges.  Mistaken perceptions that aren’t in keeping with reality must be corrected by the light of God’s Word.  If you believe you are a nobody going nowhere your view needs to be corrected in the light of the truth found in Psalm 139.   This is the one Psalm that best describes God’s personal relationship with us. It reminds us that God is not far off, but is near to each of us.  

What Does this Psalm conclude? Well, in simple fashion I can sum it ups in four sentences:

1-God knows you.

2-God is pursuing you.

3-God says you are awesome.

4-God has a plan for you.

Read it and realize you are not on a train bound for nowhere and that you are not a nobody. You are special to God and always will be. Your destiny is decided by the choices He allows you to make. Don't blow it; pursue God and find out what He has in store for you.

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