I recently listened to a radio ad placed by an excommunicated member of one of our churches. Of course he paid for the ad on the radio station that he owns. In the ad he attacked the pastor, the state overseer, and other members that had dealt with his situation. Not only did he use the radio, but he also stated he was going to put an ad in the local newspaper the following week explaining why he was removed from the membership of the church and further bringing damage to the COG in the small community that he lives in. In his radio ad he also said that he didn't give a d--- about when put thought with the emphasis that he was still a Christian.
My first thought was what in the world is going on? Has it come to the point that we have to air our dirty laundry to an unsaved, ungodly world in such a way that we all look bad? It's like taking a dirty diaper and holding it up to the world and saying, "It's mesy, it's nasty; but it's my poop. I don't care what you say or anybody else tells me. It's my poop and I want the world to see."
Discipline is never easy. The folks in the wrong always think they're right and the folks in the right always think the others are wrong. When I joined this denomination I agreed to live by it's doctrine and practices. Do I agree with everything that goes on? No. Do I like everything that goes on? No. But I made a commitment, a vow that I would honor what we taught and stood for, good and bad. Do I want a seculiar world to know out business? No. Do I want sinners and unsaved people to know that the church has to deal with bad apples like everyone else? No.
The solution is in the Bible. How about read it and practice it.
Matthew 18:15-17 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector."
I am not interested in dirty diapers. I do not want the stench of your poop to cover the church that I love and care about and have given my whole life for. So the next time things don't go your way, put the diaper in the trash. Just put in a bag and disgard it-because if you don't the odor will affect you in ways you don't even want to think about.
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