Destiny doesn’t originate from within us. It is not generated by our own desires or ideas. In High School I thought I was going to be a Vet. Then God had another idea. God knew what my destiny was all about before I had a clue. Moses had to learn the same thing as did many other people in the Bible. Destiny doesn’t originate from within us., but we make the choice to receive or reject it.
Isaiah 55:8 NLT “My ways are far beyond anything you can imagine. "
Biblical destiny originates with God and is communicated to people. Again, Moses, after spending 40 years on the back- side of a desert, had his “burning bush” experience with God. It was there that God was very clear about what He wanted Moses to do. The course of His life was set! Now Moses was faced with the dilemma of whether he was going to embrace his destiny or reject it. He did try to get out of it by saying he wasn't qualified as a speaker, but God provided Aaron.
When destiny comes from God it works. it can’t fail if you walk in it because it’s from God!
Isaiah 55:11 NLT “It is the same with MY word. I send it out and it will always accomplish what I want it to.”
Now, I’m not saying that everyone should have a “burning bush” experience, but the Biblical model is that God does communicate His purposes very clearly and very directly. That God can communicate to a person or group however He wants so that they have a choice allows the individual to say, "Will I follow or will I reject what God is calling me to do or become?"
It was my experience with God in my teens that changed the direction of my life. It was a course that God gave to me to follow in His plan. It was His destiny for me to choose to walk in. It wasn’t my idea. It didn’t originate with me-it was a calling from Him.
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