Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Old Wineskins (Part 4)

Old wineskins contain many unorthodox ingredients:

-Procrastination, or delaying things, waiting for a better time, for a better opportunity, putting things off until another day, etc.         

-Making Excuses or justifying failure instead of correcting it.

-Laziness, lack of concern, or sloppy work.

You cannot be greedy or selfish.  You must have a generous, giving spirit and instead of doing "your own thing" work together for the plan and purpose of God. New wineskins mean that you obey those in authority and adjust to change as needed.  Just because something has been done the same way in the past does not mean it is presently effective in God's plan.

Mistakes are repeated when you do not evaluate and learn from experience. Remember, God's plan often involves  many details.  If these are not properly coordinated, the plan will fail. You are also called to serve others.  If you forget this and become proud, plans will fail.

There will always be attitude problems towards planning. I've heard these comments many times while pastoring:

-"We have always done it that way."

-"We do not like to plan."
-"Planning is not Scriptural.” 
-"This has worked all right for the last 40 years." -"Planning is not spiritual."
-"We move forward in faith; we do not need to plan." -"We do not have time to plan."
-"I do not see why we should change after all this time."

There are three things you need to implement the plans God has given you:



However the f
ailure to be honest in evaluating your situation often leads to a spiritual attack of the enemy!  Satan will try to frustrate your purpose. He uses murmuring as the first stage whenever you begin a plan or a work for God.

For example, in the early Church:

-Acts l:  God chose certain men.

-Acts 2:  He gave those men a ministry.
-Acts 3:  There was multiplication.
-Acts 4:  The movement known as the church emerged.
-Acts 5:  Murmuring arose from the people.

The same pattern is found in the book of Nehemiah:

-Nehemiah l:  God chose a man.

-Nehemiah l-2: He gave the man a ministry.
-Nehemiah 2-3: The work force multiplied.
-Nehemiah 2-4: The plan was instituted.
-Nehemiah 5:  Murmuring arose from the people.

When ministries and plans reach the murmuring stage, the problem must be dealt with or the plan can be seriously affected.  Nehemiah dealt with the murmuring by prayer and better organization in Nehemiah 5.

The apostles dealt with the murmuring by prayer and better organization in Acts 6.

The murmuring of the Israelites was never totally resolved. Because of this, God's plan was delayed until a new generation was raised up. God, please help use us to become new wineskins for Your last day's blessing instead of old wineskins that will explode.

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