I will be the first one to tell you the devil is a liar and the father of them all. I will also be the first one to tell you that he is defeated and I believe he already knows he's defeated. To go one step further, I believe he has known that from the very beginning. So if he knows he's defeated, why does he try so hard to stop every breakthrough spiritually, emotionally, financially, and physically that the Lord wants to provide for us from happening?
-First, it's not because he has something to gain, but because he wants to make God look like a fool.
I know we should never refer to God as a fool, but the devil wants to make him be the fool when our breakthrough is on the horizon. If Satan can get someone mad, upset, frustrated, critical, or just plain downright mean and put them in your path it's to detour you from what God is about to do in your life. It's not Satan's goal to receive the glory, just to stop God from getting it. The greatest breakthrough in 2015 you can ever have is when you put aside the gossip and the junk from other people and focus on Jesus. He will reveal the truth to you and others. The greatest temptation is to give the devil glory for the trial, temptation, or failure, but if you will stop and rebuke him rather than praise him, he is defeated before he makes God or His promises look foolish and the door to your breakthrough will open.
-Secondly, he has his own hide to look out for so he's not really worried about yours.
Many times we get upset because we think the devil's picking on us. Satan is not omnipresent. He can't be everywhere, all-the-time like God. He doesn't have that kind of power. Reference is given to his power as being the prince of the power of the air in Ephesians 2. In other words, he operates in the invisible spiritual realm above the earth. But you must remember, his power is subject to the power of God for all of eternity. The seed of sin in our lives may give him temporary control, but the blood of Jesus broke his temporary deed and gave our lives to back to God, He may look like an opposing giant, but read the book: " Ye are of God little children, and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" ( 1 John 4:4). Breakthrough power comes when you understand God desires and wants to bless you more than the devil has power to defeat.
-Finally, he will make every effort to draw your attention away from breakthrough to keep you in bondage.
I found out recently that I was betrayed by a friend of mine that I had trusted for years. I would never have thought that he would allow politics or position to come between our friendship, but he did. It probably would not have hurt so bad if he had been truthful and upfront with me in the beginning, but to put bits and pieces together and see the truth really cut me to the core. I was warned by the Holy Ghost this would happen, but I did not expect it to be from a friend. The Lord showed me in prayer and meditation that the reason this happened was to hinder me from obtaining my breakthrough. To be open with you, every time I have sensed a breakthrough in my spirit somehow it's been delayed because of some kind of junk like this. You see, any effort the enemy can use to stop your breakthrough will be used-job, church, family, friends, etc. It's all about getting you angry or upset to stop breakthrough from coming into your life. The devil's goal is to get your attention on him and a situation, rather than the breakthrough promised by God.
Can I say it's a fight to forgive people who hurt you. The thought of what they did isn't as bad as how they did it and that's the thing the devil uses to stop you from getting breakthrough. That's why God in His Word says we are to pray one for another and to bear one another's burdens rather than to hurt one another and cause more pain. So remember it's better to say nothing at all and do what's right than to be the one responsible for stopping breakthrough from happening in someone's life.
In conclusion, the devil receives no glory, just gratitude when he can stop the river of blessing from flowing into your life. If he can cause you to miss the glory he will. My challenge to you is be strong in the Lord. Whatever God wants to bring to pass, he will bring to pass. Just let Him do so. Breakthrough 2015 is here!
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