Comfort zones are invisible barriers that make us feel cozy and secure. Comfort zones develop after we have done things a particular way for a period of time. Unfortunately, they can makes us feel so comfortable, that we never want to change the way we do things. The only people who like change are babies with dirty diapers. Sometimes it’s easier to keep doing the same things over and over again than to make adjustments in our lives.
Two construction workers had taken a lunch break and opened their lunch boxes. One exclaimed, “Oh no, not baloney again. I can’t believe it. I hate it. This is the third time this week I’ve had baloney. I can’t stand it!” The other guy replied, “Why don’t you ask your wife to make you something different?” To which he responded, “I don’t have a wife. I made these myself!”
The fact of the matter is, most of the baloney in our lives we put there ourselves. If we ever want our lives to be any different from the same old baloney we keep serving ourselves, then we must break out of doing the routine!
Comfort zones aren’t all bad. They give us a sense security in our lives, and that’s certainly better than going through life fighting feelings of insecurity.
However, security is like money. It makes a wonderful servant, but a very poor master. Healthy security is found in a loving home, warm friendships, an enjoyable career, and good church relations ,but a different kind of security is found in a prison!
In prison the inmates don’t have to make decisions:
-Worry about house payments.
-Insurance payments.
Where the next meal is coming from.
That’s the reason so many return to a life of crime when released. They want the security they had in the prison. That's the real danger in letting our comfort zones become our prison.
When a crab grows, it breaks out of its hard shell and begins the process of forming a new one.
Its life span is marked by passing through successive shells. The crab grows when it is in-between shells. It will continue to grow as long as it dares to break out of it shell. When it stops breaking through shells, the crab ceases to grow and eventually dies.
Don't allow your comfort zone to become your Spiritual coffin.
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