How do ordinary people become joyful people in a world like we live in today?
They pray, meditate, and study God's Word. They love to talk about the spiritual side of living and fulfilling God's calling in life. They have achieved earthly success, raised their children, and fulfilled most of their goals in life. Yet, as they grow joyfully in God's Spirit they take time to reevaluate their contribution to a lost and dying world. By examining the past, refocusing their natural talents, and listening to their heart's true desire, they find joy in what God has for them next.
It's through that discovery in Christ they find wisdom and inner peace. Each time they face a new challenge, they learn, grow, and they deepen their understanding of God's purpose and plan for their lives. They are not without bumps, bruises, scars, and discouraging moments. In fact, they are not above asking the question "Why me?" I suppose all of us have been in that position.
Yet, despite momentary frustrations and regardless of unpleasant past experiences they take responsibility for their own happiness. Sometimes they do this gracefully, and sometimes they do this by kicking up a little dust. Either way, their desire to fulfill God's purpose can enable us all to prosper in a world that challenges, but has the potential to bring tremendous joy.
Joyful people know the value of living in the now. They take time to appreciate the simple things like a good conversation or a well prepared meal. They make their relationship with themselves and others a priority. Their future is secure in Christ so living today is not filled with worry about tomorrow.
That I believe is the first step to joyful living.
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