Unless we happen to be hermits never associating with anyone, we all are involved one way or another in human relations. As we all know, some of these relationships are more challenging than others and there are some people we'd rather not be around at all. It probably would also be fair to say that there are even some people that we might consider enemies.
While these people may not be enemy combatants in military terms, they may at times appear to be more bent on causing us grief of one kind or another, or in a more subtle manner, take every opportunity to paint us in a less than favourable light. I'm sure, for example, that most of us could recall a person or persons in a church situation that seemed to go out of their way to either give us a hard time for no apparent reason, or were just plain gruff and miserable especially when we were required to work alongside them. To say that their presence was enjoyable would be the same as saying that you love to eat raw onions for lunch.
No matter how much you love God the hurt remains from those attacks. You probably still remember back in your high school or grade school days, someone who revelled in pushing you around (physically or mentally), ridiculing you whenever they could find a welcoming ear, or persuading all their friends that you were unworthy of their inner circle. Sometimes the devil attacks me with memories of those that tried to harm me in the churches I served more than those that loved me. It's not a good place to be in when that happens.
Life is full of people that cause us stress. So what is the answer or approach one should take in any of these situations? The first obvious reaction might be to lash out; to retaliate in some way; or, to enlist the help of some of your closest friends to give back what you were given.
But, is this what you should do?
Jesus said in Matthew 5: 44, "But, I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!" That's easier said than done especially when it's people you love that do the hurting. As much as you want revenge or justification for what they did to you, Jesus wants to let you know those that try to harm you need your love and prayers more than you realize.
Jesus has the ultimate power to rectify any situation; more power than any one of us. Trust Him and give your concerns to Him. Whatever is happening in your life, God will work it to your advantage. It may seem hopeless or unfair, but if you love Him and trust His plan, you will see the truth of it. God’s primary will for your life is not the circumstances you inhabit, but it's the person you become when facing the adversaries of your life.
Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Carry Your Cross
One man complained that his life is too hard for him. He came to God, told him about his troubles, and asked, "Can I choose another cross for myself?" God looked at him smiling, took him to the store of crosses and said,
"Choose." The man came into the store, looked around, and was surprised. There was such a great variety of crosses – little, big, medium, heavy and light. The mans spent a long time looking for the littlest and lightest cross and finally found it, then came to God and asked:
"May I take this one?" The Lord replied, "Yes, you may- it was yours already."
"Choose." The man came into the store, looked around, and was surprised. There was such a great variety of crosses – little, big, medium, heavy and light. The mans spent a long time looking for the littlest and lightest cross and finally found it, then came to God and asked:
"May I take this one?" The Lord replied, "Yes, you may- it was yours already."
Bearing our own cross is not an easy task, but it's never too heavy or too large to carry. Jesus said in Luke 9:23-26, "Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels."
The first thing you must do is to deny yourself. Jesus did not mean that you go dirty or unkempt, but that your desires and thoughts are to follow Jesus wherever He leads you. Your plans become secondary to His.
The second thing is to take up your cross daily. We are to pray for others and help others were practical and possible, but our main obligation is to carry our own cross. You can't help somebody carry theirs unless you know how to carry yours. This has to be an every day experience, not once or twice a week.
The third thing is to follow Him. The Psalmist David, said in Psalm 23, "Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil..." Following Jesus is a lifestyle. You either do it voluntarily with your whole heart because you love Him or you don't. The choice is yours entirely. You will be willing to give up your dreams and ambitions to go where He leads you because He has your best interests at heart. It may lead through a valley or it may be a climb to the top of the mountain. Just don't be afraid to follow where He leads.
Every person's cross must be borne by that individual. I can't carry yours nor can you carry mine. It's a personal thing that you decide when you surrender to Christ. It may seem to get heavier on occasion, but He is there to help you with the load. I'll guarantee you that every time you question its weight, there is someone else somewhere doing the same thing. It is a challenge for us all, but one worth accepting an achieving.
Tell A New Story
We all tell ourselves stories about who we are, how the world works and what people are like. More often than not, as a result of the negativity bias at play, those stories are disenchanting and discouraging. Even when the economy is bad, many people are still making money. So you can choose to believe the story that the economy is bad, or you can write a new story that the world is ripe for the picking. If you are going to tell stories, you might as well tell ones that empower you.
When we move into areas of unfamiliarity our story becomes convoluted and disjointed. We face the things that went on before us and the damage that they left. We constantly try to get out of some persons shadow of yesterday polluting our story for our future. How many times have you started believing the wrong story because of the circumstance you're dealing with. Believe me, it's easy to get caught up in tragedy because of tales you inherit. The public sees one side, but you have to deal with reality of the true side nobody can bear to comprehend.
A new story represents a present hope. A new story opens up the realm of possibilities. A new story sheds the dead seasons of yesterday and brings a consistent response for change. The old cravings die, the bad thoughts loose their power, and the shadows of doubt dissipate. A new story can only spring from your vision and your heart for God. He's the author and finisher of your story.
So let Him pick up His pen and begin to write a new story in your life. Then when He does begin to tell everyone that new story. Some will believe and some won't, but it really doesn't make a difference as long as you do. Tell it, sing it, shout it; just don't hold it in. Your new story could be the turning point of your life or ministry. Believe me, He's still writing yours!
Monday, November 28, 2016
Have you ever gotten into an disagreement with somebody who will not rest until you believe in what they are saying? You obviously have your own beliefs if you are disagreeing with them, so you are not going to just randomly change your viewpoint because of something they said (unless they are the most convincing person in the world). So the disagreement goes around and around until you feel like pulling out your hair.
Whether it’s a good thing or not, try to avoid conflict as much as possible. First of all, try and see the good in both sides of the disagreement. Secondly, understand that everyone sees the world in a different way. Although I may believe something is purple, you might think it’s blue. That is your personal opinion, and I accept that. The same goes with more important issues. Some people just don’t get where you are coming from, and they are definitely not going to shut up long enough to listen to what you have to say.
There are some people who don’t get it. They like to force their opinion on others because they believe they are right. The point it’s not always about right and wrong. Have you ever been so passionate about something that you will say or do anything you can to try and get the other party to understand? Think about it. They feel the same way about their side of the debate, that’s why you are debating in the first place! Whether you like it or not, you can’t convince them you are right.
Now I am not opposed to a little friendly debate or discussion, in fact, I think it is healthy and a great source of learning and exercising that brain of yours. However, if you are going to partake, understand that some people just see things differently. Their purple may be your blue.
The best way to win a debate is to be able to see inside the opposing mind, and actually understand why they think what they do, so give it a try. There is a huge difference between being persuasive and being pushy, ignorant, forceful, etc. If you want to be the latter, that’s your choice, but try opening up to the world once in a while. You can be amazed by what you learn.
Whether it’s a good thing or not, try to avoid conflict as much as possible. First of all, try and see the good in both sides of the disagreement. Secondly, understand that everyone sees the world in a different way. Although I may believe something is purple, you might think it’s blue. That is your personal opinion, and I accept that. The same goes with more important issues. Some people just don’t get where you are coming from, and they are definitely not going to shut up long enough to listen to what you have to say.
There are some people who don’t get it. They like to force their opinion on others because they believe they are right. The point it’s not always about right and wrong. Have you ever been so passionate about something that you will say or do anything you can to try and get the other party to understand? Think about it. They feel the same way about their side of the debate, that’s why you are debating in the first place! Whether you like it or not, you can’t convince them you are right.
Now I am not opposed to a little friendly debate or discussion, in fact, I think it is healthy and a great source of learning and exercising that brain of yours. However, if you are going to partake, understand that some people just see things differently. Their purple may be your blue.
The best way to win a debate is to be able to see inside the opposing mind, and actually understand why they think what they do, so give it a try. There is a huge difference between being persuasive and being pushy, ignorant, forceful, etc. If you want to be the latter, that’s your choice, but try opening up to the world once in a while. You can be amazed by what you learn.
First Impressions
Making a first impression is vital on first time visitors to your church and important to the pastor and the congregation. But you have to make sure you’re not being remembered for the wrong reasons. In today’s world you never know what connections you could gain from the person you invite to church at the grocery store, in a department store, or on your job.
There are five important things to remember when approaching new attenders for the first time. These can make a difference in people wanting to attend your church and people staying away from your church.
-When speaking with a visitor for the first time don’t assume anything.
If you think someone is pregnant upon first meeting them, don’t say that-just don’t. Don’t call someone sir or ma’am if there is any chance of mistaking their gender. Don’t yell when speaking to an elderly person because you think they may be hard of hearing. The list goes on and on. I learned the hard way one time by asking which Sunday School class a person wanted to go in and mentioned the ages of each class to help them make their decision. I found out that day that even trying to be helpful can make the wrong impression on a first time visitor. Thankfully they liked my preaching and stayed on with me. So don't take anything for granted because looks can be deceiving.
There are five important things to remember when approaching new attenders for the first time. These can make a difference in people wanting to attend your church and people staying away from your church.
-When speaking with a visitor for the first time don’t assume anything.
If you think someone is pregnant upon first meeting them, don’t say that-just don’t. Don’t call someone sir or ma’am if there is any chance of mistaking their gender. Don’t yell when speaking to an elderly person because you think they may be hard of hearing. The list goes on and on. I learned the hard way one time by asking which Sunday School class a person wanted to go in and mentioned the ages of each class to help them make their decision. I found out that day that even trying to be helpful can make the wrong impression on a first time visitor. Thankfully they liked my preaching and stayed on with me. So don't take anything for granted because looks can be deceiving.
-When making a visitor feel welcome don’t act crazy.
The first time you meet someone sets the tone for how they think of you from that moment on. If you are having an off day don't start telling all the problems you have with the church, pastor, or staff the first time you meet them. Smile, make them welcome, and worship the Lord. As Forrest Gump said, " Stupid is as stupid does." I had one greeter at one of my churches that ran me down to every new person that came through the door. Needless to say, the ones that stayed thought he was a nut. Their first bad impression of our church was not of me, but him. He didn't stay to long after that.
-When meeting a visitor for the first time don't crowd them.
Personal hygiene is very important these days, and you don’t want someone you just met to think of you as the bad breath woman or man. Again, let them know you appreciate them being with you, but don't put them in a awkward position. Some people are not huggers and don't want to be put in that position. Be friendly, but give them their space as well.
-When a visitor has an imperfection don’t stare.
Let’s say the visitor you just met has a mole smack dab in the middle of their forehead. They are perfectly aware of it I’m sure, so no need to stare at it to make it more known. Or if they have some type of physical limitation don't state the obvious. Just accept them for who they are and welcome them into the local family of God.
-When introducing yourself to a visitor don’t tell your life story.
Although this visitor may seem like a great listener and wants some more information about your church, they probably don’t want to hear about how your loved ones mistreated you, you lost your job, and your dog died all in one week. Go write a country song instead.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Words Of Wisdom For Life
Remember these words for life:
-Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.
-Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you
-Best friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
-You will only go as far as you can push.
-Your actions will speak louder than your words.
-The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
-Don't let your past hold you back or you'll miss the good stuff in the future.
-Life's too short. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it.
-A best friend is like a four leaf clover-hard to find and blessed to have.
-Some people make the world special just by being in it.
-Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us.
-When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.
-Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
-What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
-Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
-Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
-Most people walk in and out of you life, but only friends leave footprints in your heart.
-Every minute spent angry is sixty seconds of happiness wasted. Don't be angry.
-Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
-True friends are forever.
Proverbs 22;6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Devotion to our own children and grandchildren is essential. We have a great responsibility placed upon us to watch over these little ones. Our little Hattie, our last granddaughter, is almost a year old now and soon will be learning to waIk. I found a picture the other day of Hayden when he was just a little over two and now he's 8 years old. They grow so quickly that our devotion to them must be encouraging yet instructional, loving yet with conviction, and endearing yet with correction.
Here are some ways we can channel our devotion into productive areas in our children and grandchildren's lives:
-Devote positive attention to them. Let them know they are important by the way you speak and listen to them.
-Devote love to them. They are some of the most important people you'll ever have the privilege of knowing.
-Devote energy to learning how to be the best parent possible. All of your children are different and require different skills from you.
-Devote yourself, and you'll never regret the valuable investment you make in the generation that follows.
Devotion to our own children and grandchildren is essential. We have a great responsibility placed upon us to watch over these little ones. Our little Hattie, our last granddaughter, is almost a year old now and soon will be learning to waIk. I found a picture the other day of Hayden when he was just a little over two and now he's 8 years old. They grow so quickly that our devotion to them must be encouraging yet instructional, loving yet with conviction, and endearing yet with correction.
Here are some ways we can channel our devotion into productive areas in our children and grandchildren's lives:
-Devote time to them. Quality time means nothing if it rarely occurs. Spend time reading, laughing, playing, exploring, learning, talking, and just sitting quietly together.
-Devote positive attention to them. Let them know they are important by the way you speak and listen to them.
-Devote love to them. They are some of the most important people you'll ever have the privilege of knowing.
-Devote energy to learning how to be the best parent possible. All of your children are different and require different skills from you.
-Devote yourself, and you'll never regret the valuable investment you make in the generation that follows.
Don't be the parent or grandparent that says after one of their children gets in trouble, " I wish I would have raised them better." Take advantage of parenting while you have the time. It's something that makes a memory become a reality.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
People Who Love Themselves
People are uneasy with the concept of self-love. Contrary to what some people would have you believe, loving yourself does not mean that you can't have feelings about the losses and gains you experience in life; merely that they should not dictate your ability to love yourself. Even psychologists say it's so. You first have to like yourself where you are, or you'll never like yourself where they can take you. If you gain, that makes love a little easier. If you lose, that doesn't mean you aren't lovable.
Self-love also does not mean narcissism, to which it is often equated. Narcissistic people feel they are better than everyone else and flaunt it whenever they feel it necessary. People who love themselves aren't concerned with comparing themselves to anyone else. They recognize that they, like everyone else, deserve love regardless of status or possessions.
People who love themselves treat themselves nicely and do healthy things for themselves. They don't indulge in behaviors they know are destructive. People who love themselves radiate a magical self-confidence that draws others to them, yet they don't feel the need to win the adoration of the world. People who love themselves know how to give away that love to others; they help them feel loved and show them how to love themselves.
If I don't love myself, I'll miss the "I love you" signals sent by others. Fortunately, the reverse is also true: if I do love myself, I'll miss signals of contempt sent by others, instead picking up on more of the little loving gestures sent my way.
People who love themselves can include you. Try, and a beautiful world will slowly unfold in front of you as you grow.
Self-love also does not mean narcissism, to which it is often equated. Narcissistic people feel they are better than everyone else and flaunt it whenever they feel it necessary. People who love themselves aren't concerned with comparing themselves to anyone else. They recognize that they, like everyone else, deserve love regardless of status or possessions.
People who love themselves treat themselves nicely and do healthy things for themselves. They don't indulge in behaviors they know are destructive. People who love themselves radiate a magical self-confidence that draws others to them, yet they don't feel the need to win the adoration of the world. People who love themselves know how to give away that love to others; they help them feel loved and show them how to love themselves.
If I don't love myself, I'll miss the "I love you" signals sent by others. Fortunately, the reverse is also true: if I do love myself, I'll miss signals of contempt sent by others, instead picking up on more of the little loving gestures sent my way.
People who love themselves can include you. Try, and a beautiful world will slowly unfold in front of you as you grow.
Monday, November 21, 2016
A GEICO moment
I had someone email me back when I had my podcast and wanted to know as a Christian what is the difference between having a good day and a bad day. I thought about it for a long time and answered, " Have a GEICO moment!" What's a GEICO moment you ask. The difference is about 15 minutes.
Think about it. GEICO commercials always emphasize the difference 15 minutes can make. So let me ask you-Just how long does it take to really live the way that God always meant for you to live? How long does it take to say, "I love you God. Thank you for my life"? How long does it take to say a little prayer for someone you care about? How long does it take to tell a friend, "You are looking good today"? How long does it take to stop your children in the hallway and give them a hug? How long does it take to share a warm smile and a heartfelt "thank you" with a cashier in a store? How long does it take to compliment a loved one, to share a laugh with a friend, or to think a joyous, optimistic thought? You can do all of these things and even more in just 15 minutes a day.
Is 15 minutes a day too long to turn your life around? Is 15 minutes a day too long to live a life full of love, joy, and wholeness with God? Is 15 minutes a day too long to make this world a better and more Heavenly place? If you want to be doing good in your life then spend that 15 minutes a day "truly" doing some good in your life. If you want to be doing even better try 20, 30, or 60 minutes a day. If you do you will see how the power of your love can change the world moment by moment. If you do you will feel the love of God inside you and hear the laughter of angels surrounding you as you bless the world with your life.
If GEICO could change your life in 15 minutes or less how many lives can you affect in the same amount of time? Isn't it about time for a GEICO moment in your life?
Think about it. GEICO commercials always emphasize the difference 15 minutes can make. So let me ask you-Just how long does it take to really live the way that God always meant for you to live? How long does it take to say, "I love you God. Thank you for my life"? How long does it take to say a little prayer for someone you care about? How long does it take to tell a friend, "You are looking good today"? How long does it take to stop your children in the hallway and give them a hug? How long does it take to share a warm smile and a heartfelt "thank you" with a cashier in a store? How long does it take to compliment a loved one, to share a laugh with a friend, or to think a joyous, optimistic thought? You can do all of these things and even more in just 15 minutes a day.
Is 15 minutes a day too long to turn your life around? Is 15 minutes a day too long to live a life full of love, joy, and wholeness with God? Is 15 minutes a day too long to make this world a better and more Heavenly place? If you want to be doing good in your life then spend that 15 minutes a day "truly" doing some good in your life. If you want to be doing even better try 20, 30, or 60 minutes a day. If you do you will see how the power of your love can change the world moment by moment. If you do you will feel the love of God inside you and hear the laughter of angels surrounding you as you bless the world with your life.
If GEICO could change your life in 15 minutes or less how many lives can you affect in the same amount of time? Isn't it about time for a GEICO moment in your life?
Even Though
-Even though I clutch my sheet and grunt when the alarm rings each morning, thank you, Lord, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf.
-Even though I keep my eyes tightly closed against the morning light as long as possible, thank you Lord, that I can see. There are many who are blind.
-Even though I huddle in my bed and put off the effort of rising, thank you, Lord that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden.
-Even though the first hour of my day is early, when joints are stiff, eyes are sleepy, and tempers are cranky, thank you, Lord, for my family. There are many who are lonely.
-Even though our table never looks like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at times just leftovers, thank you, Lord for the food we have. There're many who have no job.
-Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest, thank you, Lord, for the gift of life.
-Even though I keep my eyes tightly closed against the morning light as long as possible, thank you Lord, that I can see. There are many who are blind.
-Even though I huddle in my bed and put off the effort of rising, thank you, Lord that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden.
-Even though the first hour of my day is early, when joints are stiff, eyes are sleepy, and tempers are cranky, thank you, Lord, for my family. There are many who are lonely.
-Even though our table never looks like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at times just leftovers, thank you, Lord for the food we have. There're many who have no job.
-Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest, thank you, Lord, for the gift of life.
-Even though I stumble on my spiritual journey from time to time, thank you Lord for the gift of restoration. There are many who never find the path again.
-Even though I fail to always do what is right and often make bad decisions, thank you Lord for forgiveness. There are many who never repent.
Thanksgiving 2016
It's a challenge to grow up with a thankful heart. From an early age we are exposed to a culture of complainers, gripers, grumblers, and critics. We complain about the weather, traffic, food, work, neighbors, bills, the government, church, and life in general. Worst of all, we are ungrateful toward God. It would be hard to count the number of complaints and criticisms that are daily spoken before Him and against Him. How can we, who have received so much, be thankful for so little?
One of the great indicators of true spirituality is not measured by how many times we go to church, how big our Bibles are, or how long we pray, but it is measured by the level of gratitude that is in our hearts. When we are ungrateful, the heart of God is saddened, the Holy Spirit is grieved, and the joy of the Lord is quenched within us.
Being thankful sweetens you, grumbling sours you; being thankful brings sunshine to your countenance, being ungrateful casts a shadow; being thankful brings a melody to your words, criticism makes you sound like a clanging cymbal; being thankful keeps your feet on the pathway of celebration, complaint takes you down the road of despair.
When our hearts are filled with gratefulness we may feel like our thanksgiving is inadequate, but we can be certain that our thanksgiving is always appropriate. It will gladden the heart of God to hear your heartfelt thanks being freely offered to Him today.
One of the great indicators of true spirituality is not measured by how many times we go to church, how big our Bibles are, or how long we pray, but it is measured by the level of gratitude that is in our hearts. When we are ungrateful, the heart of God is saddened, the Holy Spirit is grieved, and the joy of the Lord is quenched within us.
Being thankful sweetens you, grumbling sours you; being thankful brings sunshine to your countenance, being ungrateful casts a shadow; being thankful brings a melody to your words, criticism makes you sound like a clanging cymbal; being thankful keeps your feet on the pathway of celebration, complaint takes you down the road of despair.
When our hearts are filled with gratefulness we may feel like our thanksgiving is inadequate, but we can be certain that our thanksgiving is always appropriate. It will gladden the heart of God to hear your heartfelt thanks being freely offered to Him today.
Holy Ghost Fire
Acts 1:8 " But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth."
We once testified about people in Pentecost that were filled with Holy Ghost fire. It was that Pentecostal power that made a difference in the way they walked, talked and lived that made such an impression upon us. You could sense the very presence of God when you came in contact with them because you could feel the flames of heaven's holy fire burning in their hearts. It was evident in their personal lives, their prayers, and their lifestyle that the Holy Ghost had filled them with power from on high.
Traditionally, many believed that you had to be in a Pentecostal church to be filled with this Holy Ghost fire, but heaven’s fire doesn’t just burn in the hearts of certain Pentecostal people or denomination. It is available to all who choose to receive and accept this infilling of the Holy Ghost fire. Yes, you can be full of Heaven’s holy fire too, if you're born again and Jesus lives in your heart..
-You can light yourself up with love, joy, optimism, enthusiasm, energy, vitality, and oneness with God through the power of the Holy Ghost.
-You can brighten up the souls, warm up the hearts, and light up the lives of those around you with the fire of Pentecost.
-You can be a flame of goodness in an often dark and cold world, a witness to the lost and dying, and a flame of fire to those who need hope and help from the heavenly Father.
-You can take your flickering candle and turn it into a blazing torch for everyone to see for the glory of God with your anointed testimony.
-You can share your generous fire and light a candle inside of each person you meet as well through the power of Jesus and the Holy Ghost.
Don’t let yourself be a smoldering ember in this life. Live well, burn bright, and let the world see your Holy Ghost fire!
We once testified about people in Pentecost that were filled with Holy Ghost fire. It was that Pentecostal power that made a difference in the way they walked, talked and lived that made such an impression upon us. You could sense the very presence of God when you came in contact with them because you could feel the flames of heaven's holy fire burning in their hearts. It was evident in their personal lives, their prayers, and their lifestyle that the Holy Ghost had filled them with power from on high.
Traditionally, many believed that you had to be in a Pentecostal church to be filled with this Holy Ghost fire, but heaven’s fire doesn’t just burn in the hearts of certain Pentecostal people or denomination. It is available to all who choose to receive and accept this infilling of the Holy Ghost fire. Yes, you can be full of Heaven’s holy fire too, if you're born again and Jesus lives in your heart..
-You can light yourself up with love, joy, optimism, enthusiasm, energy, vitality, and oneness with God through the power of the Holy Ghost.
-You can brighten up the souls, warm up the hearts, and light up the lives of those around you with the fire of Pentecost.
-You can be a flame of goodness in an often dark and cold world, a witness to the lost and dying, and a flame of fire to those who need hope and help from the heavenly Father.
-You can take your flickering candle and turn it into a blazing torch for everyone to see for the glory of God with your anointed testimony.
-You can share your generous fire and light a candle inside of each person you meet as well through the power of Jesus and the Holy Ghost.
Don’t let yourself be a smoldering ember in this life. Live well, burn bright, and let the world see your Holy Ghost fire!
Monday, November 14, 2016
Four Sides
Their are four sides to every life. The first side is the one you show the world; it's where you put your best foot forward, the carefully crafted public image we all hide behind. The second side of your life is the "private" side, the person that your family and close friends and co-workers see. This side is usually rougher than the front, since these people know the "real" you a little better. They sometimes see you at your worst and know how bad you can really be.
The third side is worse still, a hidden side, the image of yourself that you keep in your own mind. This side is rougher because it includes many hidden sins that you alone know about, the darker parts of your inner self that are carefully hidden from even those closest to you. Whereas your public and private sides exist in the minds of others, this side exists only in your own mind. It's a side of yourself that even you may not like, yet this side is not an entirely accurate picture either, for each of us has sins which we hide even from ourselves, sins we refuse to acknowledge. This dishonesty keeps the third side from being as flawed as it could be, though our self-deception is perhaps the greatest flaw of all.
Finally, we reach the fourth side. The fourth side is the image of you that God sees. Strangely, this side of you can be both the worst and the best side of all. It is the worst side because there is nothing you can do to conceal a single blemish from the piercing eye of God. Every sin, public or private, is revealed in all its hideousness here, laid bare before him. Sadly, even the sins that you refuse to see, the sins that your mind will not admit or acknowledge, are here in plain sight. No truer, more revolting image of you exists anywhere else in the universe.
By the miracle of grace, the fourth side can also become the most beautiful side, more perfect even than the carefully groomed public image of the first one. For as a believer, the blood of Jesus covers your sins like a fresh coat of gleaming white paint that will never crack, peel, or fade. Christ can make the fourth side of your life more perfect than any of the other three, simply because the other three sides are YOUR creation, and the fourth side can be HIS. And in Christ, when God looks at you he sees a perfection you could never attain on your own; he sees the perfect image of his own son.
What you cannot conceal, God is willing to overlook. What you cannot hide, God is willing to cover over. What you cannot overcome, God is willing to dismiss. But only when it is buried deep within the covering of his son's blood.
The third side is worse still, a hidden side, the image of yourself that you keep in your own mind. This side is rougher because it includes many hidden sins that you alone know about, the darker parts of your inner self that are carefully hidden from even those closest to you. Whereas your public and private sides exist in the minds of others, this side exists only in your own mind. It's a side of yourself that even you may not like, yet this side is not an entirely accurate picture either, for each of us has sins which we hide even from ourselves, sins we refuse to acknowledge. This dishonesty keeps the third side from being as flawed as it could be, though our self-deception is perhaps the greatest flaw of all.
Finally, we reach the fourth side. The fourth side is the image of you that God sees. Strangely, this side of you can be both the worst and the best side of all. It is the worst side because there is nothing you can do to conceal a single blemish from the piercing eye of God. Every sin, public or private, is revealed in all its hideousness here, laid bare before him. Sadly, even the sins that you refuse to see, the sins that your mind will not admit or acknowledge, are here in plain sight. No truer, more revolting image of you exists anywhere else in the universe.
By the miracle of grace, the fourth side can also become the most beautiful side, more perfect even than the carefully groomed public image of the first one. For as a believer, the blood of Jesus covers your sins like a fresh coat of gleaming white paint that will never crack, peel, or fade. Christ can make the fourth side of your life more perfect than any of the other three, simply because the other three sides are YOUR creation, and the fourth side can be HIS. And in Christ, when God looks at you he sees a perfection you could never attain on your own; he sees the perfect image of his own son.
What you cannot conceal, God is willing to overlook. What you cannot hide, God is willing to cover over. What you cannot overcome, God is willing to dismiss. But only when it is buried deep within the covering of his son's blood.
The Philosophy Of Better Living
There are eight facts of life that affect you in various ways throughout life. These facts help create a better philosophy of living and help ground you in fundamental truths that sustain and strengthen you in life. Just understand that whatever happens with these eight is determined by what you do with the life God has given you.
You'll have to face many things on this journey, but you can choose to be bitter or better. Remember these thoughts every step of the way, especially on the days when things are tough.
-People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; but forgive them anyway.
-If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; but be kind anyway.
-If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; but succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; but be honest and frank anyway.
-What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; but build anyway.
-If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
but be happy anyway.
-The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; but do good anyway.
-Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; but give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It never was between you and them anyway.
You'll have to face many things on this journey, but you can choose to be bitter or better. Remember these thoughts every step of the way, especially on the days when things are tough.
-People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; but forgive them anyway.
-If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; but be kind anyway.
-If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; but succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; but be honest and frank anyway.
-What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; but build anyway.
-If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
but be happy anyway.
-The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; but do good anyway.
-Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; but give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It never was between you and them anyway.
Most of us go through life with one eye looking towards the future and the other focusing on the past. Half our sight is focused on our goals and desires. The other half is looking back with regret at mistakes and missed opportunities. In order to be happy, though, both of our eyes have to be here in the present. In order to be happy we have to live in the here and now.
The future is only a dream and the past is only a memory. God doesn’t want us to live in either. God wants us to live in this moment. God wants us to love each other in this moment. God wants us to share kindness and have happiness in this moment because life is a collection of moments. Those moments make days of blessings or days of dread. It's all up to us.
The future is only a dream and the past is only a memory. God doesn’t want us to live in either. God wants us to live in this moment. God wants us to love each other in this moment. God wants us to share kindness and have happiness in this moment because life is a collection of moments. Those moments make days of blessings or days of dread. It's all up to us.
I will dream of my future always. I've said it many times before that people who quit dreaming die unfulfilled. My dreams have changed the older I have gotten, but they are still intact. The hopes and desires for my future continue as long as there is breath in my body.
I do regret my mistakes and missed opportunities of yesterday. I probably wouldn't have some of the health issues I have today if I had stayed put where I should have instead of allowing others to influence me to move. I miss those good old days, but I cannot recreate them again because they are long gone.
So I have to live for today. I have my physical limitations, but I am alive today. I have my wife and my family that loves me unconditionally today. I have hope, peace, and joy in my relationship with God today. I can't do anything about yesterday or tomorrow, but I can sure enjoy the moments of today. So you know what? I think I will!
All relationships experience conflict. Marriages, friendships, parents and children. But too many seem to be unable to resolve their differences. Their relationship dries up, becomes brittle and breaks apart. A union that once seemed a work of art eventually resembles a discolored and crumbling canvass. Finding and restoring those pieces to anything attractive can be a near-impossible task.
And the amazing realization is that the incidents that destroy a relationship are usually small and insignificant. Momentous decisions and huge obstacles generally don't pull people apart. Most people in committed relationships can stand united when disaster strikes. It is the little problems, the insignificant stressors, that do the most damage when allowed to fester.
Do you know what issue causes the greatest number of conflicts in households? Arguing about which TV show to watch! Would any couple or family have believed that the selection of television programs would become the major cause of their unhappiness?
They forgot what is important. They forgot that relationships are built of such things as love, respect, consideration, kindness, and understanding. They forgot all those compelling and wonderful reasons that brought them together in the first place. Instead, they let minor inconveniences become major issues. In short, they forget the simple things and end up paying a high price for their forgetfulness.
For healthy and satisfying relationships, it's important to remember the simple things:
And the amazing realization is that the incidents that destroy a relationship are usually small and insignificant. Momentous decisions and huge obstacles generally don't pull people apart. Most people in committed relationships can stand united when disaster strikes. It is the little problems, the insignificant stressors, that do the most damage when allowed to fester.
Do you know what issue causes the greatest number of conflicts in households? Arguing about which TV show to watch! Would any couple or family have believed that the selection of television programs would become the major cause of their unhappiness?
They forgot what is important. They forgot that relationships are built of such things as love, respect, consideration, kindness, and understanding. They forgot all those compelling and wonderful reasons that brought them together in the first place. Instead, they let minor inconveniences become major issues. In short, they forget the simple things and end up paying a high price for their forgetfulness.
For healthy and satisfying relationships, it's important to remember the simple things:
-Remember that the people of your life are more valuable than the things.
-Remember that there's a difference between inconveniences and hardships.
-Remember that the "little things," if left unattended, can hurt a relationship as much as the big ones.
-Remember that love between individuals is the most precious possession we humans can hope to attain. Above all, other people should be cherished.
Don't let something stupid put a wedge between you and the ones you love. Life is too short for that!
It Is Love
Having a stroke changes a lot of things in your rapidly aging body. Daily tasks that were once easy are now quite a bit tougher. One of the things affected in my body was my brain. It seems like I can’t go a day without forgetting at least one thing. Sometimes I go into a room and then have to stop and remember why I went in there. I remember my first day of school, but I can forget what someone said 5 minutes ago. I wish I could blame it on getting a little tired after all these years or maybe just having too much to remember every single day, but that's not the case. So as I have adjusted to it and try to get better, I've learned to laugh with myself about my injury. My heart knows that the only thing I really have to remember is to love.
If I love, then I will be living the way I was meant to live. If I love, then I will be doing what God wants me to do. If I love, then it will not matter how many times I forget a name or a place. Jesus gave his disciples this one command: "Love one another." It truly is the only thing I need to do to live a blessed life in this world.
So many of us spend our lives in a bunch of activities better off forgotten. We are constantly working, spending, and doing so many things just trying to fill the hole within our hearts. It doesn’t work, though. It is like throwing pebbles in a canyon. Only love can fill that hole in your heart. Only love can make you spiritually whole. Only love can bring you back to unity with God.
So just love then. It is what we are here for. It is what we are made for. Choose love, share love, and grow in love everyday of your life. It is your love that will remind you what is truly important in this life. It is your love that will remind you how to help others and make this world a better place. It is your love that will remind you who you truly are.
If I love, then I will be living the way I was meant to live. If I love, then I will be doing what God wants me to do. If I love, then it will not matter how many times I forget a name or a place. Jesus gave his disciples this one command: "Love one another." It truly is the only thing I need to do to live a blessed life in this world.
So many of us spend our lives in a bunch of activities better off forgotten. We are constantly working, spending, and doing so many things just trying to fill the hole within our hearts. It doesn’t work, though. It is like throwing pebbles in a canyon. Only love can fill that hole in your heart. Only love can make you spiritually whole. Only love can bring you back to unity with God.
So just love then. It is what we are here for. It is what we are made for. Choose love, share love, and grow in love everyday of your life. It is your love that will remind you what is truly important in this life. It is your love that will remind you how to help others and make this world a better place. It is your love that will remind you who you truly are.
The More
A friend of mine shared these thoughts in a sermon a few years back. He was preaching on "Bearing The Fruit Of The Spirit." I recently found some of his notes from that sermon and thought I would share his basic eight points, which are a sermon in themselves.
-The more generous we are, the more joyous we become.
-The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become.
-The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become.
-The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.
-The more outgoing we are, the more helpful we become.
-The more curious we are, the more creative we become.
-The more patient we are, the more understanding we become.
-The more persistent we are, the more successful we become.
-The more generous we are, the more joyous we become.
-The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become.
-The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become.
-The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.
-The more outgoing we are, the more helpful we become.
-The more curious we are, the more creative we become.
-The more patient we are, the more understanding we become.
-The more persistent we are, the more successful we become.
When Jesus told His disciples, "Greater works than these shall you do," I believe He meant it. If we can develop these simple traits in our daily life we will see immediate benefits. It's time to be a fruit bearing branch in the body of Christ!
Let go Of My Suspenders
A "cool" young man goes out and buys the best car available: a 2000 Ferrari GTO. It is also the most expensive car in the world, and it costs him $500,000. He takes it out for a spin and stops at a red light.
An old man on a moped (both looking about 90 years old) pulls up next to him. The old man looks over at the sleek, shiny car and asks, "What kind of car you got there, sonny?"
The young man replies, "A 2000 Ferrari GTO. It cost half a million dollars!".
"That's a lot of money," says the old man. "Why does it cost so much?".
"Because this car can do up to 320 kilometers an hour!" states the young man proudly.
The moped driver asks, "Mind if I take a look inside?".
"No problem," replies the owner.
So the old man pokes his head in the window and looks around. Then, sitting back on his moped, the old man says, "That's a pretty nice car, all right!".
Just then the light changes so the guy decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 320 kph. Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rearview mirror. It seems to be getting closer! He slows down to see what it could be and suddenly, whhhoooossshhh! Something whips by him, going much faster! "What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?!" the young man asks himself.
Then, ahead of him, he sees a dot coming toward him. Whoooooosh! It goes by again, heading the opposite direction! And it looked like the old man on the moped!
"Couldn't be," thinks the young man. "How could a moped outrun a Ferrari?!" But again, he sees a dot in his rear view mirror! Whooooosh! Ka-BbblaMMM! It plows into the back of his car, demolishing the rear end.
The young man jumps out and looks at the man and it IS the old man!!! He runs up to the mangled old man and says, "Omigosh! Is there anything I can do for you?" The old man whispers in the young man's ear, "Unhook my suspenders from your side-view mirror!"
An old man on a moped (both looking about 90 years old) pulls up next to him. The old man looks over at the sleek, shiny car and asks, "What kind of car you got there, sonny?"
The young man replies, "A 2000 Ferrari GTO. It cost half a million dollars!".
"That's a lot of money," says the old man. "Why does it cost so much?".
"Because this car can do up to 320 kilometers an hour!" states the young man proudly.
The moped driver asks, "Mind if I take a look inside?".
"No problem," replies the owner.
So the old man pokes his head in the window and looks around. Then, sitting back on his moped, the old man says, "That's a pretty nice car, all right!".
Just then the light changes so the guy decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 320 kph. Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rearview mirror. It seems to be getting closer! He slows down to see what it could be and suddenly, whhhoooossshhh! Something whips by him, going much faster! "What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?!" the young man asks himself.
Then, ahead of him, he sees a dot coming toward him. Whoooooosh! It goes by again, heading the opposite direction! And it looked like the old man on the moped!
"Couldn't be," thinks the young man. "How could a moped outrun a Ferrari?!" But again, he sees a dot in his rear view mirror! Whooooosh! Ka-BbblaMMM! It plows into the back of his car, demolishing the rear end.
The young man jumps out and looks at the man and it IS the old man!!! He runs up to the mangled old man and says, "Omigosh! Is there anything I can do for you?" The old man whispers in the young man's ear, "Unhook my suspenders from your side-view mirror!"
Do you know the story of Jacob? It is found in the Bible, starting with Genesis 25. Jacob was the son of Abraham, and the twin brother of Esau. Jacob was a scoundrel during the early years of his life. The first thing he did (that is recorded) was to take advantage of his twin brother when he was hungry. He made Esau trade his birthright for a tasty stew! Later, Jacob deceived his aging, blind father into granting him the father's final blessing, which Isaac had meant for Esau. Esau, of course, was furious at his scheming brother, and Jacob fled for his life. During his flight, one night he had a vision. God's angels were descending from heaven on flights of stairs. This was the first time Jacob knew that God had plans for him.
He went on his journey to Haran, the land of his ancestors. There he lived with his uncle, Laban, for 20 years. There Jacob met his match in craftiness. (Runs in the family!)
Jacob wanted to marry Rachel, Laban's beautiful younger daughter. He promised to work for Laban for 7 years for her. Laban tricked him into marying Leah, the older unattractive daughter. Then he had to work another seven years so he could get Rachel!
Still he kept on with his trickery. Finally, he decided to take his family and go back to Palestine. On the journey there,he once again encountered an angel. This one was really something. The two of them had a wrestling match! Guess who won? The angel, of course. But Jacob hung on to him until the angel gave him a blessing. He was also given a new name, Israel. This name meant he was a person who had persevered (hung-on or endured) with the Lord.
After Jacob arrived in Palestine he made peace with his brother and settled down to live quietly.He became the father of 12 sons.These 12 were the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel. From them came all the people of the Jewish nation.
When a severe famine occurred in his old age, Jacob moved with the rest of the family to Egypt where his son, Joseph could take care of him. He died there and was buried with honors by his sons. He had changed from the young scoundrel he had been, to a man loved and respected by many.
Are you a scoundrel? A sneaky, dishonest person? God is wrestling with you to change. You may not see an angel like Jacob did. But if you will let Him, God will do the same kind of work on you that He did on Jacob. You, too, can become the person God wants you to be and you will be respected, loved and honored.
He went on his journey to Haran, the land of his ancestors. There he lived with his uncle, Laban, for 20 years. There Jacob met his match in craftiness. (Runs in the family!)
Jacob wanted to marry Rachel, Laban's beautiful younger daughter. He promised to work for Laban for 7 years for her. Laban tricked him into marying Leah, the older unattractive daughter. Then he had to work another seven years so he could get Rachel!
Still he kept on with his trickery. Finally, he decided to take his family and go back to Palestine. On the journey there,he once again encountered an angel. This one was really something. The two of them had a wrestling match! Guess who won? The angel, of course. But Jacob hung on to him until the angel gave him a blessing. He was also given a new name, Israel. This name meant he was a person who had persevered (hung-on or endured) with the Lord.
After Jacob arrived in Palestine he made peace with his brother and settled down to live quietly.He became the father of 12 sons.These 12 were the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel. From them came all the people of the Jewish nation.
When a severe famine occurred in his old age, Jacob moved with the rest of the family to Egypt where his son, Joseph could take care of him. He died there and was buried with honors by his sons. He had changed from the young scoundrel he had been, to a man loved and respected by many.
Are you a scoundrel? A sneaky, dishonest person? God is wrestling with you to change. You may not see an angel like Jacob did. But if you will let Him, God will do the same kind of work on you that He did on Jacob. You, too, can become the person God wants you to be and you will be respected, loved and honored.
The Compliment
Have you ever considered going through trial after trial to be a compliment? I had never thought of it this way until I I read the story of Job. The following Bible passage in particular stuck out to me.
Job 1:6-8 "One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it." Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."
Tempting Job and giving him problems was probably the furthest thing from Satan's mind until God nominated him. He nominated Job for the job of temptee. Why?
Why would God nominate Job for the job of losing all his oxen, donkeys, sheep, and camels? Why would God nominate Job for a job in which he would receive painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head? Why would God nominate Job for a job whose description included burying all of his sons and daughters? Why? Because Job could take it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
God allowed Satan to take Job's possessions, servants, sons, and daughters because he knew Job could bear it. It was the ultimate compliment. God knew the kind of faith warrior Job was. He told Satan to hit him with his best shot. Satan still lost.
Job's story has comforted, inspired, and encouraged countless hundreds of thousands of Christians going through trials. Maybe God is using you and the way you're handling trials you're going through to comfort, inspire, and encourage others.
In a strange way, it's the ultimate compliment.
Job 1:6-8 "One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it." Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."
Tempting Job and giving him problems was probably the furthest thing from Satan's mind until God nominated him. He nominated Job for the job of temptee. Why?
Why would God nominate Job for the job of losing all his oxen, donkeys, sheep, and camels? Why would God nominate Job for a job in which he would receive painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head? Why would God nominate Job for a job whose description included burying all of his sons and daughters? Why? Because Job could take it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
God allowed Satan to take Job's possessions, servants, sons, and daughters because he knew Job could bear it. It was the ultimate compliment. God knew the kind of faith warrior Job was. He told Satan to hit him with his best shot. Satan still lost.
Job's story has comforted, inspired, and encouraged countless hundreds of thousands of Christians going through trials. Maybe God is using you and the way you're handling trials you're going through to comfort, inspire, and encourage others.
In a strange way, it's the ultimate compliment.
Don't Step In The Exhaust
An amish man was driving his horse-drawn carriage down a modern street. As you know, the Amish people live and dress simply and shun most modern technology. However the man had a great sense of humor. Attached to the back of his carriage was a hand lettered sign that read: "Energy efficient vehicle. Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust."
At least we know this gentlemen didn't take himself too seriously. I'm sure by his transportation he stayed true to his beliefs, but when it came to himself he understood he was human. He understood that even though his faith was serious that life was not a constant bore. So he laughed at himself.
Don't those people who are so proper all the time bother the stuffing out of you? You've met them and maybe even have them in your family. They are the ones that don't smile, constantly complain, and take everything so seriously you wonder if they ever laugh. Those are the ones you try to avoid and stay away from at holidays because down deep inside you know that can't be like that always.
I have a friend who has a cousin with a lot of money who acts like she has the answer to every situation their family is going through. Besides always reminding them of her wealth and dishing out advise, she never does anything else to improve the situation. Instead she heaps on more difficulty by taking herself so seriously none of her family desires to be near her. She has so much, yet she has so little because of her attitude.
Hey let's face it-even the most prim and proper people have flaws. When you learn to laugh at your mistakes, failures, or flaws you're a much easier person to deal with and can learn to be humble. That's why God made us imperfect people so that we could learn to trust in a perfect God. So watch what you say and where you step because you might end up in something you can't shake off.
Don't those people who are so proper all the time bother the stuffing out of you? You've met them and maybe even have them in your family. They are the ones that don't smile, constantly complain, and take everything so seriously you wonder if they ever laugh. Those are the ones you try to avoid and stay away from at holidays because down deep inside you know that can't be like that always.
I have a friend who has a cousin with a lot of money who acts like she has the answer to every situation their family is going through. Besides always reminding them of her wealth and dishing out advise, she never does anything else to improve the situation. Instead she heaps on more difficulty by taking herself so seriously none of her family desires to be near her. She has so much, yet she has so little because of her attitude.
Hey let's face it-even the most prim and proper people have flaws. When you learn to laugh at your mistakes, failures, or flaws you're a much easier person to deal with and can learn to be humble. That's why God made us imperfect people so that we could learn to trust in a perfect God. So watch what you say and where you step because you might end up in something you can't shake off.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
The Call
My brother has served the church he started back in 1991 for almost 25 years. I understand what it takes to have the tenacity to hang in there and fulfill God's calling even when times are tough. He has endured trials and tribulations, but has also won great victories in his pastoral service. He's been through building programs, relocations, and overcome many obstacles to get where he is today. All of this has happened because he has been true to his calling. Sometimes its cost him more than people realize, but he's stayed true to what he believes and has not wavered.
God is searching for men and women today who will be willing to yield to His service. Not someone who is on a power trip or called by momma, but someone who really has heard the voice of God. As Paul said in his writings that "the gifts and calling of God is without repentance."
Not everyone will inhabit a pulpit from week to week. Some are called to be pastors, evangelists, and even teachers. The bottom line is the word "called".
God is searching for men and women today who will be willing to yield to His service. Not someone who is on a power trip or called by momma, but someone who really has heard the voice of God. As Paul said in his writings that "the gifts and calling of God is without repentance."
Not everyone will inhabit a pulpit from week to week. Some are called to be pastors, evangelists, and even teachers. The bottom line is the word "called".
Too many people get there ministerial credentials today for the wrong reasons. It's not about having a title or social recognition, but it's about service. It's not about having a position or placement, but being used where you are with what you have. Moses heard the voice of God and accepted His call. He then did something with that call that changed a nation. Elijah, in a desperate moment, prayed to die, but he heard the voice of God telling him he was not alone in his quest. They didn't have credentials, just the call of God which they fulfilled.
You could be the next Billy Graham or the next you. You could preach to thousands or maybe a small group in your home at a Bible Study. You may be a dynamic teacher and have 100's go from your class fired up for God. Or you may be in the middle of nowhere in a town that's drying up, wondering why on earth God called you there. I don't know where you'll end up, but if God has called you, He will put you in the place He wants you.
I've said it and many others, if I had to do it all over again I would have done like my brother-stayed where I should've stayed and not let others influence me to do otherwise. Sometimes we listen to the wrong call and not
the voice of God. Which one will you hear?
Pure Love
What is love in its purest form?
-Love is not accidental, it's a choice we make.
-Love is choosing to share our faith with no regrets.
-Love is praying for our friends AND our enemies.
-Love is pure joy in His resurrection.
-Love is unity and partnership with God.
-Love means we trust God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.
-Love shows we care about ourselves and our relationship with God. We didn't deserve any of His concern, but He cared enough to help us forgive our past and focus on our future.
-Love means God is color blind. Everyone is important to Him and should be to us. We are our brothers keepers.
If we love and have joy in God's love, we can become world changers. Just loving the lost and sharing Jesus can change the world one life at a time. That's what we have been called to do.
I Reckon
Romans 8:18 "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
Adversity is the grindstone of life. It can do one of two things: Polish you up or grind you down. The impact and ultimate result of what you do with the difficulties that come your way can make a difference.
It would be wonderful if when you got saved all of your problems ended. Your mortgage would be paid, you'd have a new car every year, nobody would get sick in your household, and you could live happily ever after. But Jesus never promised a pie in the sky lifestyle. He promoted one of sacrifice and blessing. He never promised we would be pain free or never encounter stress. He did promise however that He would "never leave or forsake us."
Paul said it best in his writing to the Roman church. He must have been a Southern Jew because he wrote, "I reckon" to start off this discourse. He reasoned that the sufferings of this life cannot compare with the glory which shall be revealed in us. It's hard to understand how trials and temptations help us achieve glory, but they do. If we stay true to Jesus something good is bound to happen in spite of all the mess we go through.
So choose to be polished by adversity rather than be ground down. Let the word of the Psalmist bring you comfort in Psalm 23. You can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and not fear evil because He is with you. He is in me, His angels watch over me, the Holy Spirit comforts me, and the Father hears my pleas. I reckon going through what I have to go through will be worth it all someday.
Be A Blessing
There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who walk into a room and say, "Well, here I am," and those who walk in and say, "well, there you are!" Which are ? Are you more focused on getting your own needs met or on easing the burdens that others carry? Are you trying mostly to make yourself happy or are you interested in the happiness of those around you?
Life isn't worth living, unless it is lived to help someone else. Maybe the greatest success of all is when we realize that it's not all about us, but about those we help along the way in life. Sadly, there are too many self-centered folks today and I believe that's why the world is in the shape it's in.
When we concentrate only on the things that we claim are ours and never focus on ministering to others we become selfish and greedy. When a church only cares about its current congregation and not those on the outside it becomes inclusive and cultish. Somewhere the warnings of Jesus have to come into play. He said in this perilous times that, "The love of many would wax cold." We are seeing that scenario played out in front of us every day.
You and I are the only ones that can change the culture. We need compassion for the lost, concern for the needy, caring for the hurting, and control of our selfish ambitions. We need to recognize there's a hungry world, both spiritually and physically, and we have the knowledge of someone who can help them. The story of Jesus never grows old and there are still people who need to hear it.
Maybe true happiness comes from being salt and light to those in need. So get your eyes off yourself and see the harvest field. There's still time to be a blessing to someone that needs it.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Good Thoughts (Part 3)
-Love is strengthened by working through conflicts together.
-The best thing parents can do for their children, is to love each other.
-Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.
-To get out of a difficulty, you usually must go through it.
-We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for.
-Love is the only thing that can be divided, without being diminished.
-Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others.
-You are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven.
-For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back.
-Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and where you are.
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