Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have. There is a word for that and it's called compromise. So many pastors have changed their philosophy of ministry just to fit in with today's society rather than raising the standard of the Word and the holiness of the gospel. It has been said that what you start with you will have continually as you grow. I do agree with that concept.
I inherited some situations as a pastor that I could not change because the previous administrations had allowed them to go on. When I tried to change them tactfully I was attacked and penalized because I was wanting my way and trying to hinder these situations to appease myself (or so it was said). All I wanted was for a professing member to adhere to the Bible, our Declaration of Faith, and General Assembly Minutes. There has been more than one time I've had to deal with ungodly things due to a former pastor allowing junk to filter into the congregation.
I've also learned that there are devils in all places. They may change their voice, or their face, or their compromise, but they are there. You can't run from them, hide and hope they go away, or expect them to give up without a fight. So if you're wanting to run from the devil you're fighting, be assured he'll come in another form wherever you go. He doesn't give up easily and will remind you of that daily.
So instead of putting up with garbage and hoping that a move will take care of the problem, stand up and face it, get over it, and build the kingdom. Don't be mean or worldly, but do the work scripturally. Be a peacemaker, but not a doormat. Somebody before you had put up with the junk, but you don't have to. I wish that I had practiced that more in my last few years of pastoring and I would probably be pastoring still today and not of lost my health fretting about the junk.
It's a disgrace that there are some in our Christian faith that want to forsake our Biblical heritage for their own personal gain. It's further a shame that some people profess with their mouths something they don't live or believe in their hearts. Too many pastors have compromised the gospel for a paycheck or position and have caused havoc for the man of God that follows them. Others have maintained relationships with those they allowed compromise and created a cavalier attitude among them toward the new pastor. Please don't be one of them.
Don't let down your guard or your standard. Don't give in to the fads or allow finances to be your directive. Don't be overbearing, but fair and scriptural. Just remember that what you sow, you will also reap.
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