This past Sunday I faced a very embarrassing situation because somebody leaped before they looked. I have had 8 knee surgeries and with the complications from heart attacks and my stroke I've had a handicapped license tag for years. Even before my stroke I had to often use a cane to get into the hospitals to make my visits. So it's not been easy for me to accept my limitations for a long time.
As I pulled into the restaurant parking lot and was getting out of my car in the handicapped spot I parked in, I heard a women in the car next door curse at me for parking in that space. I stopped for a minute and questioned what she said so loudly and her husband repeated it and said I shouldn't be parking in a handicapped space. I must admit, I almost lost it. I replied as politely as an embarrassed man could and said, "Folks, look at my tag!" When they backed out and saw my handicapped license tag, they turned as red as can be and apologized for making that remark. I did accept their apology, but it gnaws at me how many people leap before they look.
I've had to deal with that spirit in many of the churches I served, but its even worse in the world. People jump to conclusions before they know all the facts. Let's face it-we all have done that, but speculation can create devastation if the facts aren't as they seem. Too many of us have leaped before we looked at the total picture and ended up with egg on our face or much worse. The hurt and misconception we have caused others because of incomplete information may have lasting affects on that individual. That's why we need to know the whole story before we decide to speak out.
Peter was the disciple that was the most guilty of doing this same thing. In the beginning of his discipleship he was the one that questioned more than anyone the things that Jesus did. His speculation was often determined by his upbringing and Jewish tradition. Yet God used him to cross over boundary lines he would have never crossed unless led by the Holy Spirit. He learned to look before he leaped. Some lessons were learned the hard way and others became simple truths. Yet, in all those things, when he begin to see the whole picture he knew how to speak intelligently rather than be brash and speak out of turn.
So look before you leap. Satan has a pit with your name on in and you can fall in it if you're not careful. Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. Don't speak things that are hurtful or negative about things you don't know the complete story about. Sometimes its better to be quiet and just let God do the talking. Keep your eyes on Jesus and you won't sink when you step out of the boat.
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