Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Loosing Baby Jesus

Someone shared this most unusual story she had decorating for Christmas 3 years ago. Karen, which was the young lady's name, said that it went like this:

"The first weekend in December in 2010, I unpacked the Christmas ornaments as usual. I have a nativity set that I have put up every year for about three years. It goes back in its original box after the holidays, one of those boxes with a molded plastic spot for each figure.

When I unpacked it and set everything up, it was all fine, except that I had a rectangular manger surrounded by some "hay" (the figures are molded resin). I said to myself, "That's weird. Where's baby Jesus?"

I thought the baby had fallen out of the manager. I searched the box and emptied everything out of the larger box: no baby Jesus. I didn't remember that He was missing the year before when I put the set away.

I even got down on my knees and looked under all the furniture, thinking I may have dropped baby Jesus when I took the figures out and that one of the cats had played soccer with Him.

No baby Jesus.

I finally gave up searching and went on a search through the stores in our small town, looking for a replacement baby. I did find some nativity figures in Wal Mart that looked about the right size, but the only Jesus was Black. I thought about it but didn't ultimately buy it. No place else had any nativity figures.

So I went on line: eBay to the rescue! I found several nativity figures that looked like they would work. I decided I should measure my manger first though, to make sure the new figure would fit.

When I picked up the manger, I discovered that baby Jesus was on the bottom! The manager was made with an empty box on one side and baby Jesus on the other (I guess so if people wanted Jesus to appear on Christmas Eve, they could just flip the thing over). I had simply set it down upside down without realizing it, and baby Jesus was there all along.

Every word is true! We have had many laughs over this story."

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