So often the things we do seem so small. What we don’t realize, however, is that every single one of them is important in the eyes of God. Do what you can then to make this world a better place. Do what you can to share the love within you. It can be as simple as a prayer. It can be as little as a hug. It can be as tiny as a few coins offered to help another. It can be as small as a kind word, a smile, or a wave. In the eyes of Heaven they are all priceless, they are all powerful, and they are all eternal. In the eyes of God they are all beacons of the light in our souls and the love in our hearts.
Last night I spoke words for the last time over a precious man of God who went home to be with The Lord this week. Unexpectedly his world was turned upside down by cancer within the past year and The Lord chose to take him home. He was my friend, a great husband to his wife, father to his children, and grandfather to his grand kids. He was a man of faith who loved God and his church. So many times in the past 15 months he has been an encouragement to me even in his time of sickness. Every thing I stated in the opening paragraph describes this brother. Every good thing he did made an impression on those around him. I will miss him greatly as will others that knew him.
Brother John Thomas has received his reward. So don't forget or despise the small things. They do add up in the long run.
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