Verses 25-38
All day long the prophets of Baal prayed and cried out to their god, but there was no response. Elijah mocked them and this sent them into a frenzy. When the smoke had cleared and the dust had settled, Baal was still as dead as he had ever been and they stood humiliated and defeated before the lone prophet of God.
This will be the experience of every person who attempts to follow the false gods of religion and of this world. They are all dead and can do nothing for those who cry out to them. I am sure that many who are caught in this trap feel that they are right and that men who cry out for change and separation are fanatics and are people to be pitied. However, I would like to remind anyone who feels that they can hook up God with worldliness that they are doomed to failure, no matter how right they think they are.
When this thing is over and the dust of this life has settled, God will still be God and His way and His Word will still be right and everything else will still be wrong.
After the prophets of Baal had finished with their rituals, Elijah stepped forward. Looking at what he did is very interesting.
First, he repaired the altar of God.
Then, he chose 12 stones to remind Israel that they were one nation in the eyes of God.
Then he had 12 barrels of water poured over the sacrifice and the wood and the altar. He did this final thing to remove all doubts as to who was to get the glory for that which was about to happen. Then, He stepped forth and prayed a simple 63 word prayer and the fire of God fell from Heaven and consumed every part of the sacrifice, the altar, the water in the trench and even the dust round about. God answered in a spectacular display of power in response to the faith of His servant.
It takes faith to be an Elijah. He had already see God do the miraculous. He knew that this little thing was nothing for the Lord. He was willing to put his life on the line because he believed that he served a God who moves in response to His people's prayers. We need that same faith tonight if we are to take our stand with the Lord and do what He leads us to do. We need to exercise faith in the Lord God of Heaven. God responded to the cry of His servant and gave Elijah just what he asked God to do.
The liberal crowd can attribute this event to anything they would like. When all is said and done, the fact is that God honored faith that honored Him. Elijah stepped forward and said, "My God can!" God always responds to that kind of faith!
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