Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Blessings

I awoke at about 6:45 this morning and somehow my mind wandered to past Christmas Days that brought both joy and sadness.

-I remembered the Christmas Days when we would go to Shirley and Jerry's house or they would come to ours and the amount of presents under the tree.

-I remembered the pies Nanee would cook and all the crazy things she would do with us kids.

-I remembered seeing the joy on my dad's face sitting at the table and enjoying all the Christmas food.

-I remembered celebrating my first Christmas together with Becky and her parents.

-I remembered our first Christmas together with our son Shane and all the joy that it brought and still brings today with Candace, Hannah, Gracie, Hayden, and Gannon.

-I remembered our first Christmas with Dennis and Tonine, and later with their kids, Kaleb, Kamaron, and Kendell.

-I remembered our first Christmas with David and Sue, and later with their kids, Jared and Tiffany.

-I also remembered the first Christmas with my beautiful daughter-in-law, Candace, and the past 15 years with my babies, Hannah, Gracie, Hayden, and Gannon.

These are special Christmas Days I will never forget. I have been a blessed man to be able to enjoy these times with my family.

I also remembered the phone call we got on Christmas Day when my PaPa died. How quickly our happiness turned into sorrow upon hearing that news. And things are a lot different now and continue to change quickly as time passes. My father, Becky's parents, PaPa, Nanee, Shirley, and many more are not with us this Christmas Day. Physically they may be gone, but their memory still lives on in my heart and in my mind. I hope I never forget all the Christmas blessings that I have received, the good people I have pastored, and all God has blessed me with. In good times and in bad, He has, is, and always will be God. And on this Christmas Day 2014, I am very grateful for all He has done for me.

So from my house to yours, Merry Christmas, and don't forget to count your blessings.

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