"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. - He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
John 9:5 & 8:12
Christmas is a special time of year. I can't imagine what it would be like if we did not celebrate Christmas. What better time of year than Christmas, to teach our children the true meaning?
Christmas is not about lights, trees and presents, turkey dinners, or family gatherings. Oh yes. Those things are great, and "God has given us richly all things to enjoy." But more importantly, Christmas is about God's LOVE, about LIGHT. John 3:16 sums up the true meaning of Christmas, God s ultimate gift to EVERYONE His Son, the LIGHT of the world. God loved His creation, US, so much that in order to redeem us from eternal death, which we so deserves, He sent His Son to be the substitute for us.
I don t care that some say that the first Christmas was not observed at the birth of Christ, that it originated back in Rome to honor Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture, or some other theory that someone else might have come up with. To me, the first Christmas was the day that God sent LIGHT into the world.
I am glad that Sunday schools and churches put on pageants with the manger scene and the shepherds. What better way to teach a child about Christ and why He came to earth. I am glad that the authors of the Bible recorded that the humble shepherds celebrated on the night of Christ's birth, by leaving their sheep when the skies filled with LIGHT and the angels sang, and they went seeking for the Light of the world, JESUS. The wise men began their search for the King that same night because they saw a LIGHT in the sky a star in the East.
Does it matter that the usual scenario is of the wise men at the inn with the shepherds in these pageants? Is it really giving the children the wrong idea? Of course we know that the wise men came on the scene much later. The child will learn to put things in their proper order as he grows up. I did. So let the Sunday schools put on their pageants, with the wonderful Christmas scene of the shepherds and the wise men worshipping Jesus.
I don't care that research has shown that we do not know the exact day of Christ's birth. It does not matter whether it was not December 25th or some other day of the year. What matters is: Christ, the LIGHT of the world was born. And that He lived--as a man; suffered--as a man; died a cruel death on the cross--as a man; and rose again on the third day--as God, triumphant over sin and death, our REDEEMER, our SAVIOR, our LORD.
I don't care if they tell me that the exchanging of gift idea did not originate with the gifts that the wise men took to the child Jesus. To me, gift giving, 'though enjoyable, is not important. God's ultimate Gift is. If people get pleasure and comfort from giving and receiving gifts, then let them carry on with it. To me it does not detract from the true meaning of Christmas.
I don't care what they say about the Christmas tree--that it is a pagan symbol. To me that is not important. I have heard several opinions on this. Great that people get pleasure out of putting up and decorating a tree. It doesn't bother me a bit. In fact, if it uplifts someone from their humdrum existence, bringing light and giving them something to look forward to, at least once a year, let them put up a tree. To me this is not a distraction from the true meaning of Christmas. Perhaps it even adds to it. Christ came as the Light of the world: so let the lights at Christmas help remind people of this. Christ died on a tree for our sins: so let the tree be a reminder of this.