Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Monday, October 1, 2012


If you play English hand bells you must wear gloves when playing them. Why? Because the oils from your hands change the quality of sound coming from the bells. Everything we touch experiences changes in someway or another.

Also, everybody we touch is changed-even if we're not infected with something contagious. I'm not only talking about just physical touch, either. Often we touch their minds, spirits and hearts. Everybody we speak to, rub shoulders with or even smile at is changed in some small way. These changes can be helpful or hurtful, depending on our interaction. It is like leaving a piece of ourselves behind with everyone we meet, and taking a piece of them with us. And even little changes can make a difference. No one is insignificant in this regard.

The question then is this:
-What little part of yourself will you leave behind? Something good or something bad?

-How will you influence them? With a positive perspective or a grumpy outlook?

-Will your encounter be thoughtful or hurried?

-Helpful or harmful?

-Intentional or accidental?

There is something wonderful about the influence we have on one another. So, whom will you touch today and what will you leave behind, or take with you?

The answer to that question is all up to you.

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