Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Some people just like to fuss

I moved to DCOG a year and two weeks ago. This has been a very tough year considering the situation that I moved into, but God has been good. I found out there are good people everywhere, but there are also people that like to fuss about stuff that doesn't make sense. Let me share with you some examples of critical people that I have had to deal with in the past 25 years of my ministry.

-In Lancaster, I had a lady that didn't tithe who always criticized what we did with the money, but it was okay for family members to smoke and serve in positions in the church. You better not touch that or you would feel her wrath.

-In Rock Hill, I either preached to long, to short, too much content, not enough content, sang to long, was to loud, etc. Well, you get the picture. These folks ended up going to Jim Baker's church where I'm sure everything was perfect.

-In Greenville, I had some get angry because I tried to enforce the rules that they had passed as the governing body of the church. It was okay to enforce it if it was somebody else, but don't touch my family.

-In Powdersville, we placed a memorial in honor of someone in the church. My son raised the money and paid for it-nobody in the church did. Yet someone got upset and brought a division in the church even though they did not give one dime on it.

-In Laurens, I had to give a 15 minute speech in a business meeting just to move the organ by the piano because in a previous administration it had divided the church when the organ was moved.

-In Union I was able to purchase a steeple with chimes for the church for less than 10 grand, but there were some who got angry because I didn't spend $27,000.00 on the one THEY really wanted.

-At Donaldson, I still have one or two upset with me because I hired a yard man to cut the grass and took their jobs away, even though they were not physically able to do the work.

This is just a small sample of what Pastors have to deal with on a daily basis. This doesn't include the things that people have purchased for a church I've pastored over the years that still lay claim to those things even years later. I've had them fuss over chairs, pews, rockers, cribs, pictures, organs, pianos, even pulpits. No wonder my hair is gray!

What I'm saying is that some people are never going to be happy with what anybody does. They feel their job in life is to make everybody around them miserable and they do a great job with that. But sadly enough it puts a black eye on Christianity. Why? Well Jesus caused a lot of controversy with His message and His miracles, yet He did nothing in rebellion to His Father. Too many today fell it's their calling to be a watchdog not a watchman, a stumbling block not a stepping stone, or a thorn in the flesh instead of the balm of Gilead. Let's just face it-some people just like to fuss.

Well, you better get it out down here, because you won't be up there. Read this passage and let it sink in-maybe for you it's still not to late:

Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

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